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Subject Level DP Language Raw Mark Grade Achieved Session Comments
Subject Level DP Language Raw Mark Grade Achieved Session Comments
Computer ScienceCoreEN32AMay 2019Investigating The Effect of Customizeable Configurations of Computer Vision Algorithms on Performance
Computer ScienceCoreEN21BMay 2019To what extent are the binary and jump search algorithms efficient for data sets of increasing sizes?
Computer ScienceCoreEN29AMay 2018Assessing the use of machine learning algorithms for predicting the outcome of random number generators.
Computer ScienceCoreEN30AMay 2018Investigating the time complexities of the AVL Tree and Red-Black Tree insertion algorithms.
Computer ScienceCoreEN26BMay 2018Comparing the Performance of Different Classifier Data Mining Algorithms in Relation to the Size of the Training Set
Computer ScienceCoreEN20CMay 2018To what extent does varying the speeds of system RAM affect the speeds of a hard disk drive in a computer system in a computerized workplace?
Computer ScienceCoreEN26BMay 2021What is the difference between the runtime efficiency of Dijkstra's and the A* pathfinding algorithms in finding the shortest path in mazes with varying size?
Computer ScienceCoreEN27AMay 2019To what extent can Genetic Algorithms optimize the English Keyboard Layout for Speed?
Computer ScienceCoreEN23BMay 2019The use of Neural Networks in Verifying Handwritten Signatures
Computer ScienceCoreEN30ANovember 2018Investigation Into 256-bit Hashing and Its Vulnerability to Increasing Computing Speeds
Computer ScienceCoreEN17CMay 2018To what extent would Depth first search or Breadth first search be suitable for search in graph data structures used by social networks, taking time and memory as determining factors, in the java virtual machine?
Computer ScienceCoreEN29AMay 2018To what extent does Kernel Page Table Isolation affect performance in systems powered by Intel CPUs?
Computer ScienceCoreEN17CNovember 2019To what extent the variation in search pattern will affect the efficiency of Rabin Karp algorithm and Boyer Moore algorithm in the terms of time complexity?
Computer ScienceCoreEN27AMay 2020To what extent is the TF-IDF score a reliable means of classifying text and predicting job titles?
Computer ScienceCoreEN31AMay 2020To what extent are character-level convolutional neural networks viable for classifying texts by their century of creation?
Computer ScienceCoreEN17CMay 2020How effective are graph path searching and traversing algorithms compared to tree ones?
Computer ScienceCoreEN28AMay 2021To what extent is the GNU C library heap implementation on glibc version 2.31 more secure than version 2.15 and how has this affected its performance?
Computer ScienceCoreEN24BMay 2020Investigating the efficiency of AES and RSA Encryption algorithms in terms of the memory used and time taken to encrypt/decrypt alphanumeric data
Computer ScienceCoreEN24BMay 2021Which type of random number generator most consistently produces sufficiently random binary sequences?
Computer ScienceCoreEN29AMay 2021To what extent is a divide-and-conquer algorithm applicable to solving the problem of ordinal classification with a binary classifier in terms of time complexity and performance?
Computer ScienceCoreEN28AMay 2021How does the sorting efficiency of the Tree Sort compare to that of the Heap Sort in terms of time complexity for increasing sizes of randomized integer datasets?
Computer ScienceCoreEN26AMay 2021To what extent register-based bytecode is more suitable for high-performance process virtual machines than stack-based bytecode?
Computer ScienceCoreEN16CMay 2021To what extent is type inference possible for statically typed polymorphic object-oriented programming languages?
Computer ScienceCoreEN22BMay 2021How far does Dijkstra's search algorithm compare to A* search algorithm for finding the shortest path in a graph as the size of the graph increases by number of vertices?
Computer ScienceCoreEN14CMay 2021To what extent is the Chinese Pinyin IME different from Chinese Stroke IME in terms of speed and efficiency?
Computer ScienceCoreEN27AMay 2021To what extent do contemporary quantum computing solutions affect the current and future security of RSA as a public key cryptography solution?
Computer ScienceCoreEN26AMay 2022Investigating Relationship Between Covid-19 and Spectrograms of Coughing Acoustics Through the Use of Convolutional Neural Network
Computer ScienceCoreEN23BMay 2022A Comparative Study of the Blowfish and RSA Encryption Algorithms' speed while encrypting data of different sizes.
Computer ScienceCoreEN27AMay 2022To what extent is the performance of tournament selection strategy better than that of roulette wheel selection in solving the Knapsack Problem in terms of convergence rate and quality of the solution with different configurations?
Computer ScienceCoreEN26AMay 2022Investigating the effect on performance using a data structure in graph algorithms
Computer ScienceCoreEN26AMay 2022How accurate and efficient are different neural networks in solving the protein folding problem?
Computer ScienceCoreEN29AMay 2022Which hashing algorithm out of MD5 and SHA -1 is the best in validating data transfer using SFTP (simple file transfer protocol) over a network that implements SSH protocol in terms of speed of data transfer and collision resistance?
Computer ScienceCoreEN23BMay 2022To what extent Branch and Bound algorithm, Greedy algorithm and the Christofides' algorithm are efficient ways of solving the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP)?
Computer ScienceCoreEN29AMay 2022To what extent is the speed of a Levenshtein's distance-based approximate string-matching algorithm different when being processed on a CPU vs. on a GPU?
Computer ScienceCoreEN27ANovember 2022In Solving the Travelling Salesman Problem Using a Genetic Algorithm, How Does Order Crossover Compare to Partially Mapped Crossover in Terms of Improving the Efficiency of Convergence and Optimality of the Solution?
Computer ScienceCoreEN29ANovember 2022How does the genetic algorithm compare to that of the particle swarm optimization algorithm in providing solutions to optimization problems in terms of speed and accuracy?
Computer ScienceCoreEN22BMay 2023To what extent can the genetic algorithm be applied in constructing decision trees for data classification?
Computer ScienceCoreEN29AMay 2023To what extent is the performance of the k-means clustering algorithm in unsupervised learning influenced by the initial placement algorithm, the number of features, and the number of clusters?
Computer ScienceCoreEN30AMay 2023To what extent can a Feed Forward Neural Network successfully mitigate an HTTP-flood distributed denial-of-service attack?
Computer ScienceCoreEN25BMay 2023How does "k-nearest neighbour algorithm" compare to "Naïve Bayes algorithm" in diagnosing Parkinson's Disease, when using striatum dimensional features as input data?
Computer ScienceCoreEN30AMay 2023To what extent is the ability of an intelligent agent to operate in unfamiliar scenarios affected by the number of hidden-layer neurons in its neural network and the number of generations it is trained for?
Computer ScienceCoreEN20CMay 2023How effectively do the hyperparameters of a GANs influence its ability to generate high-quality images and its time complexity?
Computer ScienceCoreEN23BMay 2023To what extent does Smoothing Reduce False Edge Detection from Blurry Areas of Images on Various Edge Detection Algorithms?
Computer ScienceCoreEN18CMay 2023How does Netflix's Recommendation Algorithm use a collaborative filtering-based recommender system to provide efficient recommendations to users?
Computer ScienceCoreEN32AMay 2023To what extent is the accuracy of LSTM neural Networks for the prediction of bitcoin pricing influenced by time frequencies?
Computer ScienceCoreEN27AMay 2021How do convolutional neural networks compare to recurrent neural networks in terms of speed and accuracy when performing speech recognition?
Computer ScienceCoreEN28AMay 2022To what extent is the performance of a neural network dependent on the batch size and number of epochs at varying rates of training data mislabelling?
Computer ScienceCoreEN28AMay 2024To what extent do increasing processor speeds impact the efficiency of brute-force attacks against Merkle-Damg ̊ard-based cryptographic hashing functions?
Computer ScienceCoreEN28AMay 2024To what extent does increasing the number of children impact the Surface Area Heuristic ratio and Build Time in Bounding Volume Hierarchies in Ray Tracing Applications?
Computer ScienceCoreEN30AMay 2024To what extent do branch mispredictions affect the performance of well-known comparison sorts?
Computer ScienceCoreEN27AMay 2024How does the Spectre vulnerability patch affect the performance of systems operated by AMD CPUs?
Computer ScienceCoreEN30AMay 2024Which model, ARIMA or LSTM, demonstrates superior accuracy in predicting stock prices based on empirical evidence?
Computer ScienceCoreEN15CMay 2024Which Lossless algorithm between Huffman Coding and Shannon-Fano Coding is more efficient in terms of their Compression Ratio?
Computer ScienceCoreEN29AMay 2024How Does the Use of a Priority Queue and the Implementation of Bellman-Ford and Dijkstra's Algorithm Affect the Time Complexity of Solving the Shortest Path Problem in Weighted Graphs?
Computer ScienceCoreEN24BMay 2024Evaluating and comparing the effectiveness of large language models to static code analysis tools for vulnerability detection in software source code.
Computer ScienceCoreEN24BMay 2024How does Kruskal's algorithm compare to Prim's algorithm in finding a minimum spanning tree in a graph in terms of running time across graphs with varying densities?
Computer ScienceCoreEN30AMay 2024How does the Elitist Genetic Algorithm compare to Ant Colony System in terms of time complexity and accuracy when attempting to solve the Travelling Salesman Problem?
Computer ScienceCoreEN28AMay 2024What is the relative forecasting accuracy of SARIMA and PROPHET models for daily COVID-19 cases in South Korea?
Computer ScienceCoreEN30BNovember 2024Investigating the Performance of Real-time Object Detection Frameworks [...] in adverse weather conditions
Computer ScienceCoreEN21BMay 2018Full source + extra content on GitHub:
ChemistryCoreEN24BNovember 2024Evaluative study on the interactive ability of phenolic acids derived from Pomegranate peel with Cu2+ ions as examined using UV-Vis spectroscopy
Global politicsSLEN966May 2020
Other Group 5CoreES45AMay 2021Modelos de evaluaciones internas matemáticas nuevo currículo
EconomicsHLEN437November 2016
EconomicsHLEN387May 2020Micro: taxation/market failure, macro: expansionary fiscal policy, intl.: tariffs
EconomicsHLEN377May 2020Macroeconomics IA, that was a part of 37/45 IA portfolio, unfortunately not sure about the specific score on this exact IA
EconomicsHLEN377May 2020International economics IA, that was a part of 37/45 IA portfolio, unfortunately not sure about the specific score on this exact IA
EconomicsHLEN366May 2021Idk the raw marks for each IA, but the final of 3 was 36, and scored 6 in total. [UWC East Africa, '21]
EconomicsHLEN366May 2021Idk the raw marks for each IA, but the final of 3 was 36, and scored 6 in total. [UWC East Africa, '21]
EconomicsHLEN366May 2021Idk the raw marks for each IA, but the final of 3 was 36, and scored 6 in total. [UWC East Africa, '21]
BiologySLES33AMay 2020
English A Language and LiteratureCoreEN33AMay 2019Group 1, Category 3 EE on identity in the ​"Ms. Marvel​" comics.
EconomicsHLEN336May 2021Macro: Expansionary demand-side policy, govt. spending. Internal: 7 Moderated: 6
EconomicsHLEN336May 2021Micro: Sugar tax (market failure). Internal: 7 Moderated: 6
EconomicsHLEN336May 2021International: Tariffs. Internal: 7 Moderated: 6
MathematicsCoreEN33AMay 2019
PhysicsCoreEN32AMay 2020
Spanish A LiteratureHLES32AMay 2021
English A Language and LiteratureCoreEN32AMay 2021Category 1. Postmodern-esque worldbuilding in The BFG by Roald Dahl.
ITGSHLEN325May 2021
HistoryCoreEN31AMay 2020"To what extent did the mass media structurally transform the public space of Carnatic music?"
PsychologyCoreEN31AMay 2021Not sure what my raw marks are actually because I didn't get access to my grade breakdown but I received an A on this essay
TheatreCoreEN31AMay 2019This is my Theatre EE on the theatre company DV8 Physical Theatre that got an A.
Other Language A Language and LiteratureCoreEN31AMay 2021Chinese A EE on Dayo Wong's shows in 1994, 1997 and 1999
BiologyCoreES30ANovember 2021Perdí puntos en Crit C por la evaluación. No es necesario hacer un tema elaborado, el mio es muy simple.
Computer ScienceHLEN307May 2020CS IA (DATABASE PROJECT {PHP & MySQL})
GeographyCoreEN30AMay 2021Likely lost the marks in critical thinking and reflections. Supervisor predicted high C, low B. Ended up with a mid A.
Computer ScienceCoreEN30AMay 2018
MathematicsHLEN30AMay 2021Was quite happy with it
MathematicsCoreES30ANovember 2020Los Números Surreales como Anillo Unitario Conmutativo
BiologySLES30AMay 2020Efecto de la Sacarosa y Glucosa en Concentraciones Hipertónicas Durante la Deshidratación Osmótica del Pepino Dulce (Solanum Muricatum).
English A Language and LiteratureCoreEN30AMay 2021Category 1 EE on agency in children's sexual abuse in Lolita and My Dark Vanessa
MathematicsCoreEN30AMay 2019Exploring dynamic programming via recursion and the golden ratio
MathematicsCoreEN29AMay 2020THIS IS NOT THE ORIGINAL VERSION. Original version's written and submitted in French. This is a translation
Global politicsHLEN29AMay 2020It was an A, but not a very high A.
MathematicsCoreFR29AMay 2020French version of the essay (English version of the essay in another submission)
Environmental Systems SocietiesSLEN297May 2019IA on CO2 uptake by aquatic plants
MathematicsCoreEN29AMay 2021RSA, Discrete Math EE
EconomicsCoreEN28AMay 2020No one expected this EE to be an A(including myself and my teacher), so be careful when looking at this as an example for A grade essay
English A Language and LiteratureCoreEN28AMay 2021I wrote an EE on SHREK and got an A. Need I say more.
World StudiesCoreEN28AMay 2020Theme: Science, Technology and Society
BiologyHLEN28AMay 2021This is a database EE, so it can help those that are struggling with how to write one.
HistoryCoreEN28ANovember 2019
English A LiteratureHLEN287May 2021
English A Language and LiteratureCoreEN28AMay 2021Cat 1 EE: How does the protagonist of No-No boy negotiate an identity as a second-generation Japanese-American in a divided America?
PsychologyCoreEN27AMay 2021Comorbidity of autism and depression. Incredibly difficult topic with barely any research out there, but it's possible. Don't lose hope.
MathematicsCoreEN27AMay 2021This EE is honestly bad lol
PhilosophyCoreEN27AMay 2020I did this EE without having taken a single philosophy class in my academic career. I was still able to receive an A, don't lose hope.
BiologyCoreEN27AMay 2020After having read a couple examiner reports from previous years, the topic of antibiotics is not very original. Use SciHub for free articles
ChemistryCoreEN26AMay 2021Already had extracurricular knowledge of organic chemistry, and was still a pain, would not recommend doing something similar
PsychologyCoreEN26BMay 2020Psychology Extended Essay
Business managementCoreEN25BMay 2021
PhysicsCoreEN25BMay 2019EE Reflection at appended to the end.
PhysicsHLEN247May 2017Investigation of the moment of inertia of hollow cylinders; 24 out of 25
PhysicsHLEN24BMay 2020
HistorySLEN247May 2021Section A: 4/4 Section B: 14/15 Section C: 6/6
PhysicsHLEN247May 2021Projectile motion range on an incline
ChemistrySLES237May 2020
HistoryHLEN237May 2020I sent my IA for an EUR after receiving 22/25, and it came back with a grade increase so I can only assume it was increased to 23-24/25.
Environmental Systems SocietiesSLEN226May 2021US Clean Air Act Evaluation. [UWC East Africa, '21]
PhilosophyHLEN227May 2022My internal assessment on Artificial Intelligence, predicted 7 from our philosophy teacher
GeographyHLEN227May 2021I did all the unnecessary maths to spite my geo teacher who said "just multiply each component with some arbitrary number"
English BHLEN22BMay 2020English EE on Ishiguro's The Remains of the Day
PhysicsHLEN227May 2021Chapter notes and EE:
PhysicsHLEN227May 2020
HistoryHLEN227May 2021'To what extent did the Kronstadt Rebellion of 1921 influence the development of Soviet Russia as a totalitarian state?'
Business managementSLEN227May 2021
ChemistryHLEN227May 2020
Computer ScienceHLEN225May 2021this example has a low grade :))
English A LiteratureSLEN227November 2016Written Assignment
HistoryHLEN227May 2020
BiologyHLEN227May 2021
PhysicsHLEN227May 2020Q: The effect of wing surface area on the horizontal displacement of a paper aeroplane
PhysicsSLEN227May 2020How does varying the area of a copper oscillator affect the rate of change of amplitude due to magnetic damping?
GeographySLEN227May 2020The Unequal Effect of Commercial Gentrification on Micro-Businesses in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets
BiologyHLEN227May 2021How does the soaking time & temperature of Kombu affect the iodine remaining using colorimetric determination? Internal: 6 Moderated: 7
GeographySLEN217May 2020Option A - To what extent does the Glenderaterra Beck follow the predictions of the Bradshaw Model?
GeographyHLEN217May 2021Option G
ChemistrySLEN217May 2021
BiologyCoreEN21BMay 2020
GeographyHLEN217May 2019How does the quality of the physical environment vary as one move away from the centre of Tokyo, Ginza?
PsychologySLEN217May 2020
English A Language and LiteratureSLEN207May 2020Would u like proof of the 20/20?
PhysicsHLEN207May 2021
PhysicsHLEN207May 2020Text in blue are teacher comments submitted to the IB, I think this could help others
BiologyHLEN207May 2021Database IA. Investigating the correlation between percentage rate of deforestation and incidence of malaria
Other Language BHLEN207May 2019Chinese BHL Written Assignment for《一把青》
MathematicsCoreEN20BMay 2021EE on Quantum Mechanics. What NOT to do.
ChemistryHLEN207May 2021
ChemistrySLES207May 2021
HistoryHLEN207May 2017
BiologyHLEN207May 2021What is the effect of Nickel (II) Chloride concentration on the germination rate (%) of Triticum aestivum seeds?
PhysicsHLEN207May 2021Viscosity of Glycerol w.r.t temperature
English A Language and LiteratureHLEN207May 2019This is Written Task 2 for the pre-M21 syllabus.
ChemistryHLEN207May 2020
PhysicsHLEN196May 2020
Business managementHLEN197May 2021
MathematicsHLEN197May 2020Exploring Fourier Series by Drawing Figures with Circles
Business managementHLEN197May 2020
Business managementSLEN196May 2020This was written before covid-19, some data might not be relevant now
Business managementHLEN197May 2021
ChemistryHLEN196May 2020
TOKCoreEN19AMay 2021I got a 9/10
English A Language and LiteratureHLEN196May 2020this is my Written Task 2 for HL on Part 1: Language and Cultural Context.
MathematicsHLEN197November 2016
MathematicsHLEN197May 202016->19 after EUR
English A Language and LiteratureHLEN197May 2019This is Written Task 1 for the pre-M21 syllabus.
English A Language and LiteratureHLEN187May 2021This is the new assessment component for the HL English Lang and Lit course - HL Essay
GeographyHLEN186May 2021What can be accomplished in 72 hours and with no feedback from a teacher... thankfully the 7 came through for exams.
MathematicsHLEN187May 2020
Global politicsHLEN187May 2020I censored the name of the person I interviewed for privacy reasons.
MathematicsHLEN187May 2021
Global politicsSLEN187May 2021PEA
HistoryHLEN186May 2021
MathematicsSLES185November 2021Aplicaciones e interpretaciones NM/SL. Diagramas de Voronoi. paper 2, man, paper 2 just destroyed me
English A LiteratureHLEN187May 2021
MathematicsHLEN187May 2017Proposing a new probabilistic approach in modelling epidemics; 18 out of 20
MathematicsHLEN187May 2018Math IA
ChemistrySLEN186May 2021
MathematicsSLES187May 2021The subject was mathematics: analysis and approaches. I chose a pretty simple topic, good luck!
English A LiteratureSLEN7May 2020The raw marks are my total raw marks for the subject, because my school didn't give us access to component-wise breakdowns.
MathematicsSLEN187May 2019IA on Volume of Revolution. Moderated score was also 18.
MathematicsHLEN187May 2021It contains extracurricular stuff, would not recommend this kind of topic
MathematicsSLES187November 2015
MathematicsSLEN187May 2021MAA, was told it would get a 5 and i should drop the course, but haha, here I am with a 7.
MathematicsSLEN7May 2020Topic: Approximating sin(x) in algebraic terms | Don't know my raw marks for the IA, but my total raw marks were 83/100.
MathematicsHLEN187May 2021A permutations exploration of the 15-puzzle
ChemistrySLEN186May 2021
TOKCoreEN18BMay 2021
MathematicsHLEN187May 2021Maximising the Spinning Time of an Inception-Styled Top. Physics and calculus heavy paper typed up in 2 days so language isn't the best.
Other Group 5SLEN187May 2021was told this would get a 5 if I was lucky, but a 7 it was...
BiologyHLEN186May 2021exemplar used complicated statistical test requiring a program (don't do unless confident). analysis was shallow, couldve easily been a 7
ChemistryHLEN186May 2021Temp + Cell potential/Eqm. Constant - internal 18/external 18, major flaw in theory of IA not picked up by examiner or teachers it seems..
Mathematical studiesSLEN187May 2019
MathematicsHLFR177May 2020So much about the irl plans that this ia established :(
TOKCoreEN17BMay 2021I'm not completely sure about the grading, but I do know that my essay scored higher than the presentation and I got a B for it so...
MathematicsSLEN176May 2021Man, I've been there where you are at. Trust me, you will get through! [UWC East Africa, '21]
ChemistryHLEN175May 2021Database IA. Not sure what my exact marks are. This was submitted unfinished so the analysis is incomplete
MathematicsCoreEN17CMay 2020
PhysicsHLEN176May 2021
MathematicsHLEN177May 2020
MathematicsHLEN177May 2021
MathematicsHLEN177May 2020Emulating Computer Calculations in Order to Manipulate a Cube’s On-Screen Appearance
MathematicsHLEN176May 2021
MathematicsHLEN166May 2021Math AA
TOKCoreEN15CMay 2021I was one mark away from a B, however the marks are for my presentation and essay combined!
MathematicsHLEN156May 2020
TOKCoreEN15CMay 2021This is my TOK presentation. Idk the individual marks but for the essay and presentation i got a C, i missed B by just a mark :(
PhysicsSLEN124May 2021hahaha unfinished work
Computer ScienceCoreEN12DMay 2021Evaluation of Blockchain as a replacement for Client-Server Model for Online Game Asset Management (forgot to add primary research)
TOKCoreEN10AMay 2019
TOKCoreEN9AMay 2021
TOKCoreEN9AMay 2020"Title 5: Multiplicity of Theories"
TOKCoreEN9AMay 2021“Areas of knowledge are most useful in combination with each other.” Discuss this claim with reference to two areas of knowledge.
TOKCoreEN9AMay 2020on PT 6 - Multiplicity of Theories to understand the world
TOKCoreEN94November 2019
TOKCoreEN9ANovember 2020The essay is either a 10 or a 9 but I believe it would have been marked as a 9
TOKCoreEN9AMay 2021
TOKCoreEN9AMay 2020
TOKCoreEN9AMay 2019Title 3: Do good explanations have to be true?
TOKCoreEN9AMay 2020TOK Essay Title 4
TOKCoreES9ANovember 2021“El conocimiento adquirido mediante la experiencia directa es potente pero problemático” 9 o 10, pero creo que 9
TOKCoreEN9ANovember 2016
TOKCoreEN9AMay 2022TOK Exhibition exemplar
TOKCoreEN8AMay 2021Q6 “Avoiding bias seems a commendable goal, but this fails to recognise the positive role that bias can play in the pursuit of knowledge.”
TOKCoreEN8AMay 2021Q6: “Avoiding bias seems a commendable goal, but this fails to recognize the positive role that bias can play in the pursuit of knowledge.”
TOKCoreEN7BMay 2016Essay Title 6 - accuracy vs simplicity
TOKCoreEN7AMay 2021Q1 M21: “Accepting knowledge claims always involves an element of trust,” Discuss this claim with reference to two areas of knowledge.